Thursday, July 24, 2014

Metric Measurements


The metric measurements consists of the everyday measurements.There are three units of measurements and they are :

  • metric units of length
  • metric units of weight
  • metric units of capacity

They are all used for different measurements like length is used for calculating distance and weight is used for calculating amount of how much something weighs, and capacity is used to calculate the amount of liquid something fills up.
Now try some of these and make sure to watch the video on YouTube.

Sheet 1 What are Metric Measurements


Units of Weight


The units of weight consists of the very measurements you take to find the heaviness of something. Like for example when you are finding out how much you weigh you are using a unit of weight which is pounds or lbs. There are many forms of units of weight and all of them are for measuring different weights. Here are the units of weight:

All of the units of weight are expressed in symbols most of the time like for example when you buy a bottle of water and it weighs 32 ounces. We will write that as 32 oz.
Now try some of these and make sure to watch the video on YouTube.

Sheet 1 What are the Units of Weight




In this lesson, we will learn about probability. You've probably heard this word before, but don't know much about it. So, in this lesson we will learn about this topic in further detail so that you know about probability in mathematics and even in real life situations!

What is Probability?!

Probability: the state of being probable; a strong chance of something

Let's say that you have a bag with 24 marbles. 1/3 of the marbles are purple. The rest of the marbles are blue marbles. You reach into the bag and pick out a marble. What is the probability you picked a blue marble?

First, you need to find the quantity of marbles for each color. We know that 1/3 of the marbles are purple. There are a total of 24 marbles so we have to divide 24 by 3 since there are 3 total parts. So 24/3 equals 8 which means that 8 of the marbles are purple. Since the rest of the marbles are blue, 24-8 equals 16. So, 16 of the marbles are blue. 16 out of 24 marbles is the same thing as 16/24 or simplified to 2/3. That means the probability of you picking a blue marble is 2/3!

 Sheet 1 Probability

Sheet 2 Probability

Units of Capacity


In this lesson we will review units of capacity in detail and learn some general measures of capacity we use in daily life.

Units of Capacity

The above is a chart that shows the different measurements we use in the Units of Capacity. Keep in mind that capacity is the amount that something can hold.
Let's say that you were filling up your bathtub with water. Which measurement would you most likely use?
Well, we know that a bathtub is pretty big, so gallons is the way to go.
So, we will use the measure of gallons!

Sheet 1 What are the Units of Capacity


Units of Length


The customary system of length is the way you measure distance. Like for example when you are recording the distance you run you are using a unit of length like miles or feet and there are way more to the units of length. Here is the whole units of length:

There are many measurements you can make with these units of length and all of them serve for different purposes. Like for example if want to measure a plants' growth you won't use feet because that would be too long so you would use inches, and if you are measuring the length of a piece of land you won't use inches because that would be too short so you will use feet or yards. Now try some of these and make sure to watch the video on YouTube.

Sheet 1 What are the Units of Length

Finding Volume of Shapes

Volume is space occupied by a sold shape. To calculate volume for different shapes, please watch below videos.

Customary Measurement


In this lesson, we will learn about the Customary Measurement System which is the measurement system in the United States. This is a very important topic because we will discuss the different measurements in the customary measurements system. So let's get going!

Customary Measurement

There are different types of measurements:
  • Length
  • Capacity
  • Weight
We will begin with The Customary Measures of Length!

Customary Measures of Length

The above chart shows the Customary Units of Length. These are the basic measures you need to know in order to calculate different measures.

For example, let's say the distance between your house and your friend's house is 3 miles. You want to know the distance in yards.

In order to find the distance in yards, you need to find how many yards are in one mile. According to our chart, 1 mile equals 1,760 yards. So all we have to do is multiply 1,760 by 3 miles to get 5,280 yards.
The distance between your house and your friend's house, in yards, is 5,280 yards!

Customary Measures of Capacity

The above is the chart for the Customary Units of Capacity. Capacity is a word that is used for liquid measurements.
Let's say that your bathtub holds 10 gallons of water. You want to find how many pints of water it holds. 
First you need to find how many pints are in 1 gallon. We know that 1 gallon equals 4 quarts and 1 quart equals 2 pints. If 1 quart equals 2 pints then 4 quarts should equal 4 x 2 which is 8 pints. Now we know that 4 quarts equals 8 pints. 4 quarts is the same thing as 1 gallon so 1 gallon equals 8 pints! Now, all we have to do is multiply 10 gallons by 8 pints to find out how many pints of water your bathtub holds. 10 x 8 equals 80.
Your bathtub holds 80 pints of water. That's a lot of water!

Customary Measures of Weight

The above chart shows us the Customary Units of Weight. Weight can only be measured in 3 measures: ounces (oz), pounds (lbs), or tons (T).
Let's say that a baby weighs 20 pounds (lbs). You want to find out how many ounces (oz), the baby weighs. 
The first step is to find out how ounces are in one pound. We know from the chart that 1 pound has 16 ounces. So all we have to do now is multiply 20 lbs x 16 oz to get 320 ounces (oz).
That means the baby weighs 320 ounces (oz)!

Sheet 1 What is Customary Measurements

Surface Area of 3-D (Three-Dimensional) Shapes

What is Surface Area?

The surface area is the total area of the shapes in a solid shape that cover the surface of the solid shape. 

In order to calculate the surface area of a 3-dimensional Shape, you need to first individually calculate the area of all the shapes in the 3-D shape, and then add them together to get the surface area. 

Surface Area of 3-D Shapes

Let's say that we have a cube which is a 3-D shape. In order to find the surface area of this solid, we need to first find out the measurements.

 Measurements of this cube are: base= 13 inches height= 13 inches

Note: All the sides of the cube are equal. So, we only need to find the area of one shape, and then multiply it by 6 since a cube has 6 faces.

In order to find the area of one shape we have to multiply b x h because the shape is a square.

13 x 13 = 169

That means the area of one square is 169 inches ^2 (to the power of 2).
Now all we have to do is multiply our answer by 6.

169 x 6 = 1,014

The Surface Area of the Cube equals 1,014 inches^2 (to the power of 2).

Sheet 1 What are 3 Dimensional Shapes

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Area of Quadrilaterals


In this lesson, we will learn how to calculate the area of quadrilaterals. Before we start let's review what a quadrilateral is.

Quadrilateral: a four sided figure (shape)

Examples of Quadrilaterals include the following shapes:
  • Square
  • Rectangle
  • Parallelogram
  • Rhombus
  • Trapezoid
Please watch below videos to find out "How to Calculate Area of Quadrilateral Shapes"

Classifying Quadrilaterals


A quadrilateral, determining by the term "quad" which means 4, a quadrilateral is a 4 sided shape. To know if a shape is a quadrilateral all that you have to do is count the number of sides it has because a quadrilateral is a flat shape. There are many types of quadrilaterals and here are some:




So there are many more quadrilaterals out there it's just up to you to classify them.Now try some of these and make sure to watch the video on YouTube.

Sheet 1 What are Quadrilaterals

Area of Triangle


In this lesson, we will learn how to calculate the area of triangles. This is very easy and quick topic as long as you know the formula for finding the area of a triangle. So, let's review the formula and get started!

Formula for Area of Triangle

b x h x 1/2

Area of Triangle

Let's say we have a triangle with the following measurements:

In order to find the area of the above triangle, we need to multiply 12 x 10 x 1/2
12 x 10 equals 120 x 1/2 equals 120/1 x 1/2 equals 120/2 equals 60.
The area of the triangle equals 60 inches to the power of 2.

Solid Shapes


In this lesson, you will learn about solid shapes. This is a very important topic because in our further topics we'll learn about volume so it's a good idea to review some of the solid shapes!

Solid Shapes

  • Rectangular Prism
  • Pyramid
  • Cube
  • Cone
  • Sphere
  • Cylinder



Sheet 1 What are Solid Shapes



Area of Parallelogram

Please visit below video to learn "How to calculate Area of Parallelogram"

Calculating Area


In this lesson, you will learn how to calculate area. This is a very important topic because when dealing with shapes, you will encounter calculating the area of shapes so it's good to know.

Formulas for Area

There are different methods to calculate area because it depends on the shape you are working with.

  • SQUARE  Area: l x w
  • TRIANGLE Area: b x h x 1/2
  • RECTANGLE Area: l x w
  • PARALLELOGRAM Area: b x h

Please watch below videos to find out " How to Calculate Area of each above shape".


Calculating Perimeter


Calculating perimeter is actually really easier than it looks because all you are doing is adding lengths of all sides of shape.To find a perimeter you need a two-dimensional shape. So let's say we have to find the perimeter of a lawn which is in the shape of a rectangle.To find the perimeter we need measurements and so let's say that the measure of two sides are 21 feet and the the other two sides are 32 feet. Now to find the perimeter we need to add all the measurements like this:
  21     32       64
+21  + 32     +42
-----  ------   ------
  42     64     106
So now we know that the total answer is 106 feet that is the total perimeter.
Now try some of these and make sure to watch the video on YouTube.

Sheet 1 How to Calculate Perimeter



In this lesson, you will learn about the P.E.M.D.A.S Method. This method is used when simplifying algebraic expression. This topic will teach what each letter stands for and a few tips and tricks on how to remember and order P.E.M.D.A.S. So let's get started!


 P.E.M.D.A.S. stands for the following:

  • P is for Parenthesis
  • E is for Exponents
  • M is for Multiplication
  • (left to right)
  • D is for Division
  • A is for Addition 
  • (left to right)
  • S is for Subtraction
Keep in mind that for multiplication and division and also for addition and subtraction, you have to solve from left to right.

The best way to remember  P.E.M.D.A.S. is by remembering the following sentence:

Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally

Now, that you know what P.E.M.D.A.S. stands for, let's solve an algebraic expression using P.E.M.D.A.S.

(5 x 3)+14/7-6

According to P.E.M.D.A.S. Parenthesis comes first.

(5 x 3)+14/7-6

Next, is exponents but since we don't have any exponents in this, we'll just move on to Multiplication and Division from Left to Right. We only have division.


Now, we just have to add or subtract from left to right.


Sheet 1 P.E.M.D.A.S Method

Order of Operations


Order of operations is the order in which you solve an equation that consists of mixed up mathematics. So let's take the problem 4+5/5 x 4-2 to solve this we have to write this down and solve this using this order which goes form left to right:
  • division
  • multiplication
  • addition 
  • subtraction
Now let's solve like this:

And so now we know that the our final answer is 6 because we followed the order of operations.
Now try some of these and make sure to watch the video on YouTube.

Sheet 1 Order of Operations

Exponents and Scientific Notation


In this lesson, we will learn how to use exponents and scientific notation. It is called scientific notation because scientists often work with large and small numbers and so they use exponents to make it easier for them to calculate numbers.

Exponents and Scientific Notation

Let's say that we have the number 126. In order to convert this into scientific notation, we need to first convert the number 126 into a decimal. If I do 1.26, it isn't the same numbers however
 (1.26) (100) does equal 126.
So, the scientific notation for 126 is 1.26 x 10 to the power of 2!

{The reason I wrote 10 to the power of 2 is because 10 X 10 equals 100}

 Sheet 1 Exponents and Scientific Notation

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Solving 2-step Equations


In this lesson, you will learn how to solve 2-step equations using reverse operations. This is a great review for our previous posts on equations because we will be handling addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division in this lesson.

Solving 2-step Equations

5x + 13 = 48

The above equation is a 2-step equation. In order to solve this, we need to reverse the operation applied so that we can find the value of x. 

First let's look at the +13. 5x was added to 13 to get 48. We need to use the reverse of adding, which is subtracting, to find the value of x. So, 13-13 equals 0 and 48-13 equals 35.

Now we are left with
 5x = 35

Now, we have to divide because the reverse of multiplication is division:
5/5 equals 1 or 1x which is the same thing as x.
35/5 equals 7.

That means the value of x=7!
We can check this by solving the equation:

5 (7)+ 13 = 48
According to the Order of Operations, multiplication comes before addition:

35 + 13 = 48

So our answer, or solution, is correct!

5x + 13 = 48
x = 7

 Sheet 1 Solving 2-step Equations

Division in Equations


In this lesson, you will learn how to divide equations. In our previous lessons, we learned how to add, subtract, and multiply equations. Well dividing equations is pretty much the same thing except you will be solving equations with division. So let's start!

Division in Equations 

Remember that when solving equations, you just want to get the value of x, or in other words, of the variable.

x / 4 = 80

In order to solve the above equation you need to use the reverse operation. The reverse, or opposite operation of division is multiplication. So, we will multiply 80 by 4 or 4 by 80 ( it doesn't matter) and we'll get the product of 320.

That means the variable x equals 320.
We can check this by replacing the x with 320 and solving the equation.

320 / 4 = 80
So the answer or solution is correct!

x / 4 = 80
x = 320

 Sheet 1 Dividing Equations

Multiplication in Equations


Multiplying equations is really easy because it's just simple equations with variables in them which are lowercase letters. So let's take the equation 5m=25 so the next thing you need to do is divide since it is the opposite of multiplication and you have to divide by 5 like this:

5      5

Both of the 5's are cut out because dividing a number with the same number gives us 0 and now we are left with 25/5 so we divide like this:

5m=25 =     __5__
5      5      5/ 25
m      =         5
Now we are left with the number 5 and now the statement states that m=5 and to find out if it is true we have to put our answer in our previous statement like this:
5 x 5=25

This statement is now as we know true because 5 x 5 does equal 25.
Now try some of these and make sure to watch the video on YouTube.

Sheet 1 Multiplying Equations

Subtraction in Equations


Subtracting equations is just another way to say subtracting equations with variables in them.
Like for example if we have the equation "y-4=15" with the variable y which is a lower-case letter.
To solve this we have to add since it is the opposite of subtraction and we have to add the +4 like this:
  +4   +4
Now we are left with 15+4 since the 4's since -4+4 cut each other out like this:
 y-4=15  =   15
  +4   +4     + 4
 y      =        19

So now we have a statement that says 15+4=19 and that y=19 and to find out if this is true we have to put our answer into the previous equation like this:


So this statement is true.
Now try some of these and make sure to watch the video on YouTube.

Sheet 1 Subtracting Equations

Addition in Equations


In this lesson, you will learn how to perform addition in equations. Before we begin, let's review what an equation is in mathematics.

A statement that shows that two mathematical expressions are equal.

Addition in Equations

The main thing that you need to focus on when adding in equations is that you have to get the x alone. So, as an example, let's take a look at the following equation:

x + 12 = 56

In order to get the x alone, we need to do the reverse operation of addition, which is subtraction. We will turn the +12 into a -12 and then subtract 12 from both sides. So 12-12 equals 0 and 56-12 equals 44. So that means the x equals 44. We can check this by solving the equation like this:

44 + 12 = 56

So that means that 44 is the correct answer!

x + 12 = 56
x = 44

Sheet 1 Adding Equations

Translating Algebraic Phrases


In this topic, we will learn how we can translate algebraic phrases. This lesson requires you to know the basic math terms such as sum, difference, product, and quotient. It is also very important that you translate these phrases in the correct order because the order you solve these can affect your answer. So now that you know the basics about this topic, let's start!

Translating Algebraic Phrases

  • The sum of a number and two
The above expression is a verbal algebraic expression. In order to translate this, we need to first highlight a few key terms that will help us later on.

  • The sum of a number and two
  1. We know that sum is the same thing as addition, so we can write + for sum.
  2. The key term 'a number' could be any number that we don't know. In algebra, we can replace this term with a variable. I will be using the variable 'n'.
  3. The key term 'and' is there to show that we will be combining the variable and the number together.
  4. The number two shows us that we will be adding the variable n to the number 2.
So from all of this information, we know that the algebraic expression can be translated to the following expression:

  • The sum of a number and two  TRANSLATED n+2 OR 2+n
Remember that in addition and multiplication, the order doesn't matter but in subtraction and division it does.

So that is it for this topic. Remember that as long as you understand and evaluate the key terms, you can always translate any algebraic expression!

Sheet 1 Translating Algebraic Phrases

Sheet 2 Translating Algebraic Phrases

Using Percents in Tax, Tip, and Discount


In this lesson, we will learn how we can use percents to calculate the tax, tip, and discount. Now this video will deal with money and so we will be using real-life examples to calculate the tax, tip and discount. So let's get started!

Percents in Tax

Ameyliah bought a new dress at Kohl's for $34.50. The tax on the dress was 5%. What was the total amount of money that Ameyliah had to pay for the dress?

The first step in calculating the tax is that you have to rewrite the percent, 5%, as a fraction.
We already know that a percent is part of 100, so 5% converted into a fraction should equal 5/100.

The next step is that we have to look at the price of the dress which is $34.50. This price will become our bottom number, or denominator, for our second fraction.

So now we have the following problem:

  5                ?
----  and   --------
100          $34.50

(The tax will become the numerator once we have finished the calculation)

In order to find the tax, we have to do cross multiplication. Since we don't have a numerator for our second fraction, we can't do 100.

So, we'll have to multiply 5 by $34.50 to get $172.5.  Now, we will divide this number by the remaining number, which is 100.

$172.5/100  equals $1.725 or $1.73

That means that the tax on Ameyliah's dress is $1.73!

5               $1.73
----  and   --------
100          $34.50

Now, the last step is that we have to add the price of the dress and the tax together to find the total cost that Ameyliah had to pay.

$34.50+$1.73  equals $36.23

The total amount of money that Ameyliah had to pay for the dress was $36.23.

Percents in Tip

Calculating the tip is the same thing as calculating the tax. You add the money for both.

Katheryne ate at a restaurant and had a bill of $26.78 including tax. She wanted to leave a 15% tip for the waitress. How much money did Katheryne leave as a tip?

The first step in calculating the tip is rewriting the percent as a fraction.

15% becomes 15/100

The next step is that we have to look at our bill, which is $26.78 and that will become our denominator for our second fraction. (The numerator will be the calculated tip.) 

15                    ?
----  equals ---------
100              $26.78

Now we have to do cross multiplication. Which two numbers can we multiply diagonally?  
15 and $26.78. 

15*26.78  equals $401.70

Now all we have to do is divide our answer by the remaining number which is 100:

$401.70/100  equals  $4.017  or $4.02.

That means the tip is $4.02!

Katheryne left $4.02 as a tip for the waitress.

Percents in Discount

When calculating the discount, the formula is the same as the formula for tax and tip but instead of adding the money to the original price, you need to subtract it!

Rozalynda went to the book store and bought 5 books for a total price of $53.67. She got a discount of 20% off of the total price. How much money did Rozalynda have to pay after the discount?

The first step is to rewrite the percent as a fraction:  20%  becomes 20/100.

Now look at your total price for all 5 books, which is $53.67 and write a fraction with this price as the denominator. (The numerator will be the calculated discount.) 

20                      ?
-----  equals  ---------
100                $53.67

Now do cross multiplication. Which two numbers can we multiply together diagonally? 20 and $53.67

20*53.67  equals  $1,073.40
Now we have to divide by the remaining number which is 100:
$1,073.4/100  equals $10.734 or $10.73

That means the calculated discount on the books is $10.73!

20                  $10.73
-----  equals  ---------
100                $53.67

The last step is to subtract the discount from the original price of the books:

$53.67 minus $10.73  equals $42.94.

Rozalynda had to pay $42.94 after her discount on the books.

Sheet 1 What is Tax, Tip, and Discount

Changing Percents to Fractions in Simplest Forms


This topic is one of the easiest topics of all because converting percents to fractions is like counting from 1 to 10! And putting them in simplest form is even easier.

So let's take 53% and lets make it into a fraction and to do that you have to put a 100 as the denominator since 54 is a whole number:

54% =  54 

Now to put this in simplest form you have to divide both numbers starting from 2 and so on like this:

 54  /2= 27
100 /2= 50

So now we know that the simplest fraction form of the percent 54% is 27/50.
Now try some of these and make sure to watch the video on YouTube.

Sheet 1 How to Change Percents to Fractions

Changing Percents to Decimals


Changing percents to decimals is really easy to understand and to do.The first step is that we need to have a percent so let's take the percent 23% and let's make this into a decimal. To make 23% into a decimal you have to first make the percent into a fraction like this:
23% = 23 
And now to make it into a decimal you have to divide the numerator by the denominator like this:

 23  =         __.23___ = 0.23
100     100/ 230
So now we know that the decimal number for 23% is 0.23.
Now try some of these and make sure to watch the video on YouTube.


  1. 56%
  2. 2%
  3. 100%
  4. 19%
  5. 99%

Finding Equivalent Fractions and Decimals using Percents


Finding equivalent fractions and decimals using percents is a really long title but actually the topic is really easy.
So first let's find an equivalent fraction using a percent and to do that we need a percent so let's take 22% and now we have to make the percent into a fraction like this:
22% = 22 
And now we have to make an equivalent fraction so we have to multiply both the numerator and denominator with the same number so multiply them by the number 5 ( or any other number )like this:
22% = 22   =  22  x 5= 110
           100     100 x 5= 500
So now we know that an equivalent fraction for the fraction 22/100 is 110/500.

Now let's find a decimal using a percent and to do that we have to take a percent so let's take the percent 45% and we have to make it into a fraction like this:
45% = 45  
And now we have to make it into a decimal by dividing 45 by 100 like this:
45   = 0.45
So now you know that the decimal number for the fraction 45/100 is 0.45.
Now try some of these and make sure to watch the video on YouTube.

Sheet 1 How to Find Equivalent Fractions

Wacky Wanda Method


Wacky Wanda
Well there's an unusual name for something that is related to math and not just any math its percents!

What is the Wacky Wanda method? Well to do that you will need a problem so let's take the problem 10% of 600. Well first you will use the 'of and is method' and according to that "of" is the numerator and ''is'' serves as the denominator and since 600 has a of before it is a denominator and we do not know that numerator so we will write it like this:


Next you have to put the percent over a 100 like this:
  ?        10 
600     100

Next you have to multiply the numerator or the denominator of the first fraction which ever is provided and then divide that product by the 100 like this:
  ?     x   10    =  600 x 10=6000 
600       100       6000/100=60
So now we know that 10% of 600 is 60.
Now try some of these and make sure to watch the video on YouTube.

Sheet 1 What is Wacky Wanda Method

Monday, July 21, 2014

Finding Percentages


This lesson will teach you how to find percent of a number. This is a very easy topic as long as you do it step by step and follow the basic rules of finding percentages. So let's begin!

Finding Percentages

Let's say that we have the following problem:

15% of $265

In order to find what the answer is, we need to make the 15% into a number. We do that by converting it into a decimal number! So, 15% becomes .15!

Now all we have to do is multiply .15 by $265 to find our answer!

$265x.15 equals $39.75

That means 15% of $265 is $39.75!

Now wasn't that just a piece of cake?

Sheet 1 How to Find Percentages

What is Unit Price


Unit price is the amount of per gram, or per gallon, or per meter etc. But how do you find that amount? Well first you need a regular deal like for example $6 for 2 bars of chocolate so to find the unit price we need to find the money per chocolate bar and to do that you will have to divide 6/2 and the answer is 3 and that would be $3.
So now we know that the real price is $3 per bar.
Now try some of these and make sure to watch the video on YouTube.

Sheet 1 What are Unit Price

What is Rate


A rate is a type of ratio that uses two terms and expresses them in different units.

How to Find Unit Rate

An examples of Rate is listed:

  • 75 cents per 15 ounces OR 75cents/15 ounces (oz)
In order to find the Unit Rate of the Rate, we need to simplify by dividing both 75 and 15 by a number that is divisible by both.

A number that is divisible by both 15 and 75 is 15!

75/15 is 5
15/15 is 1

So, the unit rate is 5 cents per ounce or 5cents/ounce(oz)!

 Sheet 1 What is Rate

Learn about Interest and Loss


What is interest and loss?
Well that is a very good question because this topic is really good to know about because it is very influential in life.

Well the first thing you need to know is that both interest and loss have to deal with money, so first let's talk about interest.
Interest is the additional money on the borrowed money. Like for example if you have borrowed $200 from someone and the someone says that the interest is 5% so that means its $200 x 5% = $40 so the amount of interest that you will give is $40.

 Now lets talk about loss, and loss is something that you loose like you buy a ball for $45 and sell it to someone for $40 then the amount of loss will be $5 and so what we have to do is multiply 100% by the loss over the original cost price like this:
 $5   x 100% = 11 approx.

So now that you know about interest and loss you have studied a part of investment and if you like this topic then go ahead and learn more about investment. Now practice this and make sure to watch the video on YouTube.


Sheet 1 Learn about Interest and Loss

What is Percentage


In this lesson, we will learn what a percentage is and how we can write percentages. This lesson is very important and it will discuss the basics of percentages for 6th grade. So let's start!

What is a Percentage?

A percentage is just a part of 100. In order to write a percentage, you need to use the  percentage sign.
Here are some examples of Percentages:

  • 43%
  • 76%
  • 23%
Percentages can also be written down as a fraction and decimals:

  • 43% is also 43/100 or .43
  • 76% is also 76/100 or .76
  • 23% is also 23/100 or .23

What is not a Percentage?

We know that percentages are a part of a hundred. How do we know when a percentage is not a percentage?

We can tell by looking at the number. If the number is greater than a hundred, then it is not a percentage:

  • 450%
  • 101%
  • 263%

Sheet 1 What is Percentage


Cross Production


Cross production is used in division and is like a shortcut to finding quotients in fractions. So since cross production is used in fractions we need two fractions so let's take the fractions:
6  /  7
8     9
So what you need to know is that when you are doing cross production you are actually multiplying and you are multiplying one numerator by the other denominator and multiplying a numerator by a denominator again so we will do something like this:
6 / 7
8   9


So now we have to write the fraction out by putting the numerator on top and denominator on bottom like this:
So this is how you do cross production and if you want at the end you can simplify the fraction. Now try some of these and make sure to watch the video on YouTube.

Sheet 1 What is Cross Production