Monday, July 14, 2014

Properties of Division

What are the Properties of Division?

The properties of division are rules that must be applied when using division. Here are the basic properties of division:

1) If a whole number is divided by any other whole number (non-zero whole number) the quotient (answer) isn't always going to result as a whole number.
Example: 18/3=6 (whole number)
              5/10=? (not a whole number)

In the second example, 5 is not a multiple of the divisor (10) so the answer isn't a whole number. In the first example, however, the dividend (18) is a multiple of the divisor (3) so the answer is a whole number.

Note: If the dividend is a multiple of the divisor, the quotient is always a whole number, otherwise not.

2) The quotient of a whole number and another whole number (non-zero) will change if the dividend and the divisor interchange places.
Example: 15/3=5 (whole number)
              3/15=? (obviously not a whole number)
              So, 15/3 and 3/15 are not equal.

Sheet 1 What are the Properties of Division

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