Subtracting fractions with different denominators is the same thing as adding the fractions.
The first thing you will do is write the equation like this 4/5 - 1/2.
Next you have to find the least common multiple (LCM) of the two denominators, and in this case it will 10 since 2x5=10 for 1/2's denominator and 5x2=10 for 4/5's denominator.
So now you have to find the numerators and to do this you will have to multiply the numerators with number used to find the LCM. So you will do 4x2=8 since you did 5x2=10, and you will do 1x5=5 since you did 2x5=10.At the end you should get an equation of 8/10 - 5/10.
And we all know that 8-5 is 3 and we will use the same denominator and so our answer will be 3/10.
Now try some of these and make sure to watch the video on YouTube.
The first thing you will do is write the equation like this 4/5 - 1/2.
Next you have to find the least common multiple (LCM) of the two denominators, and in this case it will 10 since 2x5=10 for 1/2's denominator and 5x2=10 for 4/5's denominator.
So now you have to find the numerators and to do this you will have to multiply the numerators with number used to find the LCM. So you will do 4x2=8 since you did 5x2=10, and you will do 1x5=5 since you did 2x5=10.At the end you should get an equation of 8/10 - 5/10.
And we all know that 8-5 is 3 and we will use the same denominator and so our answer will be 3/10.
Now try some of these and make sure to watch the video on YouTube.
Sheet 1 Practice Problems on Subtracting Fractions
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