Monday, September 28, 2015

Factoring a Perfect Square Trinomial - Algebra I

In this video, you will learn how to factor a perfect square trinomial. When factoring a perfect square trinomial, you first need to identify whether the trinomial is a perfect square trinomial. You can do this by determining whether the first and last terms are perfect squares. If they are, then it is a perfect square trinomial. Next, find the square root of the first term. This is the first term in your binomial. Then determine the square root of your last term which will be the second term in your binomial. The sign is determined by the sign of the second term of the trinomial. Once you have your binomial, put parenthesis around it and put it to the second power, or square it. So the result of factoring a perfect square trinomial is a square of a binomial. That means that is you square the binomial, you will get that perfect square trinomial. The two forms of the perfect square trinomials are a²+2ab+b² and a²-2ab+b². To learn more about this topic, watch the video!

Factoring a Perfect Square Trinomial - Algebra I

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